

 Tektronix Equipment


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Last modified:
JAN 31 2025
ApTeC Electronics 
PO BOX 101,
El Segundo CA  
90245-0101 USA   
 We are closed most Fridays   
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com         Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com

CAGE code 4K3T8   


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Tektronix test equipment


NOTE: All items listed are in stock, and available for immediate shipment. All items are used unless otherwise stated.

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Inventory Price List price   loc 
TEKTRONIX Item Description       US $ . .
Tektronix part number description                           . .
Tektronix 106 square wave generator 399 . .
Tektronix 109 pulse generator 399 . .
Tektronix 1101A probe power supply *see P6201A *call . .
Tektronix 1103 tekprobe power supply 750 bench (2)
Tektronix 11301 digitizing 'scope main frame SPECIAL   -image- call SOLD .
Tektronix 11302 500 MHz color digitizing 'scope main frame SPECIAL  1500 . .
Tektronix 11402 1 GHz color digitizing 'scope main frame -image-  SPECIAL  1500 2 .
Tektronix 11A32 400 MHz, 2-Channel, switchable 1M ohm / 50 ohm Vertical Amplifier 400 1
Tektronix 11A34 4 Channel Vertical Amplifier 300 MHz 350 1
Tektronix 148  insertion test signal pic pic  generator (1avail) 650 . .
Tektronix 3002CG w/32GPX 32GPX included Logic analyzer 1499 1 .
7CT1N curve tracer plug-in  450 ttub2
7F10 Optical electrical converter 500 .
Tektronix A6302 current probe (sold with AM503)  click here in stock now  .
Tektronix A6303 current probe  click here . .
Tektronix A6901 ground isolation monitor 249 2
Tektronix AM503 current plug-in only  225 .
Tektronix FG5010 programmable 20 MHz  func. gen. 550 . .
Tektronix FG502 function generator  224 2ctn .
Tektronix FG504 40 MHz function generator (ctn) 394 dd1 .
Tektronix J16 +J6512 digital photometer with sensor (untested as-is) 450 dd1 .
Tektronix J1803 irradiance head 2000 click -here- .
Tektronix J1812 irradiance head 2500 click -here- .
Tektronix mil-1750a probe adapter 125 dd1 .
Tektronix PROBES All Tek. probes have moved - here- . . .
Tektronix PG506 calibration generator  AS-IS 450 . .
Tektronix S4 head 450 CAR80
Tektronix S5 head 750 .
Tektronix S51 trigger countdown head 900 .
Tektronix S52 Pulse generator head 25pS rise time for 7S11 or 7S12 see 7S12  -picture- 750 .
Tektronix S54 pulse generator head SPECIAL!   399 .
Tektronix S6 head see 7S12 -picture- 750 .
Tektronix SC502 15 MHz oscilloscope (3 needs repair) BD1 call sold sold
Tektronix SG503 leveled sine wave generator 750 . call
Tektronix TDS 754D TDS754D call DD8 CALL
Tektronix TG501 time mark generator call dd1 .
Tektronix TM501 ONE-bay Mainframe... 250 . .
Tektronix TM503A 3-BAY HOLDER    294 ctn .
Tektronix TR502 tracking generator w/DC502 opt.1 550 MHz frequency counter  (opt7) 1995 w/ tm503 .
Tektronix TOP200 power meter (like new) data 994 tek .
VX1421 opt. 05 C SIZE DEV MDL; 68K C DEV MODULE  option 05 call TEKVM1d1 .
VX4240 opt. 01 Waveform analyzer - 12 bit 140 MHz spec rev 1.2 opt 01=added memory (used condition) filephoto 2500 TEKVM1d4
VX4287   -data- diff. comparator 32 ch. a/d input module  2 avail 2500 VXI-5
VX4287   -data- diff. comparator 32 ch. VXI rev. V1.4  1 avail 2500 VMPOD d3
VX4330 opt 01 scanner / mux 2249 VXI-5
VX4342 opt. 2T 2 chan. resistor prog resistance VXI module 1490 VMPOD d3 (2avail)
VX4350 SPDT/SPST 64 ch relay switch 2000 VXI-5
VX4351 High Current Switch 1600 VXI-5
VX4535 system controller 386 (slave) 500 VXI-5
WM782F Waveguide mixer 90GHz to 140GHz frequency range -image-


WM782V Waveguide mixer 50GHz to 75GHz frequency range, -110dBm sensitivity, ± 3db frequency response, 25db typical conversion loss, wr-15 waveguide connector -image-


73A-451  Devel. W I/F with options 02 and  20 1000 VXI-5
73A-455  73A-455 option 2N DUAL 1553 A/B BUSS (1 avail. in stock now with mainframe. Call for package price) -manual 2500 ea.  mainframe dd4 car7 .
73A-576  CDS RSLVR R D & D R single ch. 1250 hpvm1d4
73A-851  CDS adapter board (3  available) 250 VXI-5
73A-853  53A-431B uart board with 53A - 73A adapter -Colorado Data Systems- 1250 VXI-5
. . . .. .



Last modified: see above


Address: PO BOX 101, El Segundo CA 90245-0101   
  Telephone: 310-640-7262       
CAGE code 4K3T8
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com        
    Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com