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Last modified:
JAN 31 2025
ApTeC Electronics 
PO BOX 101,
El Segundo CA  
90245-0101 USA   
 We are closed most Fridays   
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com         Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com

CAGE code 4K3T8   


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All items on this list are currently in stock ready for immediate delivery.

Hewlett-Packard Test and Measurement Equipment

Keysight  Agilent test equipment

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NOTE:  Send us an email if you would like a button added to a specific item. 

. Inventory Price List price   loc
HEWLETT-PACKARD Item Description       US $ . .
HP scope probes  Some HP probes have moved here . . .
  08640-60506 (kit) Kit includes: 08640-60504 noise phase lock circuit, 86040-60506 LNA and FLT/21B-15K-7/50-3A/3B filter w/ docs. SOLD benchcab SOLD
104AR quartz oscillator (con. unk.) call SOLD .
10514A mixer .2-500 MHz  250 .
10514A opt H26 mixer .2-500 MHz  250 .
10515A doubler 200 SOLD SOLD
10528A LOGIC CLIP 100 .
10534A MIXER (call for avail) SOLD 325 SOLD SOLD
10579-60004 resolution X36 250 AA3
10603A  extender for 5431A 175 SOLD SOLD
10638A  degausser & 10638-60002 cable  550 SOLD SOLD
10811E opt H40  10 MHz osc . replacement p/n 10811-60123 500 hpVMd3
10833x  HPIB cables have moved -here- . . .
11042A probe t connector (see HP455A) 275 sold. .
11049A 3 volt thermal converter 650 1
11050A opt H12 1 volt thermal converter 650 CAR49(2)
11051A 0.5 volt thermal converter 650 1
113BR frequency divider and clock (cond. unk.) SOLD SOLD .
115BR frequency divider and clock (cond. unk.) SOLD SOLD .
11517A  mixer (no w/g adapter) 500 hp
11517A  mixer (with w/g adapter) picture  750 hp
11518A  12.4 - 18 GHz taper section 2ea 199 .
11519A  18 - 26.5 GHz taper section 250 .
11549A power divider 375 .
11567A 20CM AIR LINE (see11587 kit) 175 qty +CAR79
11581A  opt 890 w/box Type N attenuator set w/original HP cal sheets 3, 6, 10, 20 dB 650 .
11583A w/box APC-7 attenuator set w/original HP cal sheets 3, 6, 10, 20 dB 449 1
11583A w/box APC-7 attenuator set w/no cal sheets 3, 6, 10, 20 dB 399 1
11583C w/box APC-3.5 attenuator set w/original HP cal sheets 3, 6,  20 dB (missing 10 dB) 750 1
11589A Bias Network 250 2
11610B  test port extension cable APC-7  350 NEW (office132)
11608A opt 003  transistor fixture in wood box (used condition) 250 sold sold
11613B  calibrator for 8756, 8757 -image- 1199 SOLD SOLD
11636A  power splitter DC-18 GHz  649 .
11665B modulator .015-18Ghz 250 in stock now
11666A  reflectometer bridge .04-18 GHz (APC-7) in wood box 550 1
11667A  power splitter DC-18 GHz  type N  800 hp coax
11667A opt 001  power splitter DC-18 GHz  type N -image- 800 hp coax
11667B  dc-26.5 power splitter 995 1
11683A range calibrator 1250 1
11691D opt 001 2- 18 GHz 22 dB nom. directional coupler 449 1.
11691D opt 005 2- 18 GHz 22 dB nom. directional coupler APC-7 all ports 449 1.
11692D  2- 18 GHz directional coupler APC-7 one  ports 575 1.ctn3dd4 d6
11693A Limiter N (f/m) 449 1.
11713A attenuator switch driver 329 in stock now
11730A 5 ft. power meter cable  155 unused
11730A 5 ft. power meter cable  100 slightly used
11793A microwave converter call call for availability .
11866A APC-7 calibration kit in box   650 1
11970A  mixer  call 1 click here
11970K mixer  call 1 click here
11975A 2-8 GHz amplifier 875 1
11974-60028 pre-selector power supply 1485 2    AA2
17108A  time base NOS 100 CAR84
2225A THINK JET GPIB 110v    used call . .
3310A function generator 375 ctn .
33120A 0-15 MHz function / arbitrary waveform  generator 1350 . .
3314A function generator  999  in stock now DD7
333XX* series switches RF Switches have moved -here- call . .
333XX series   attenuators have moved -here- 375 . .
3335A synthesizer / level generator  SOLD sold .
3336B opt 01, 05 synthesizer / level generator (may need repair) call DD4T .
339A distortion measurement system 550 SOLD .SOLD
343 V.H.F. noise source 250 car11
3400A opt 01, 005 RMS VOLTMETER  500 1
3403C 02, 03, H03 AC/DC dB Remote trueRMS voltmeter 650 aa3 
3403C opt. 03/06 true RMS voltmeter 675 aa3 
3438A Multimeter. w/GPIB 250  refurb
34401A MULTIMETER.  699 in stock .
346A Noise Source 10MHz-18 GHz  1210 2
346B Noise Source 10MHz-18 GHz 15.2 dB ENR 1490 1
346C Noise Source 10MHz-26.5 GHz 12-14 dB 1999 1
3468A multimeter tested OK HPIL 199 BBT
3468B multimeter HPIL tested OK 199 BBT
3476B  multimeter 349 . .
3478A  HPIB multimeter tested OK 249 DD7
34906A dual 4 ch MUX 75 Ohm 290 (2) CAR86
3490A multimeter  (LED) 350 132n
3495A scanner (with 4 cards) 750 call for avail .
34906A dual 4 ch.RF mux 2GHz 75 ohm w/ 10 cables 149 car 95
3497A scanner 750 . .
354A 10 DB STEP attenuator AS-IS 450 . click here
355C 1 DB STEP attenuator... 249 . click here
355D 0-120 (10DB STEP)  atten. 379 . click here
3708A noise & interference test set  4550 DD4T .
400E 001 AC VOLTMETER 250 refurb aa3
400EL AC VOLTMETER 150 refurb aa3
400F AC VOLTMETER 250 call for avail. .


POWER METER (meter only) digital readout and BCD output 500 1
440A tunable detector mount 325 2ea
455A PROBE-T- connection  275 2 ea .
461A 40 dB amp 1 Kc - 150 MHz  250 aa4
467A power amplifier 650 .
478A detectors and power sensors have moved here . . .
5316B counter call 1 in stock call
5340A  18 GHz frequency counter  led 750 .in stock 132
5347A opt. 01 20 GHz frequency counter and power meter HPIB -image- with 8482A sensor and 11730A cable 1599
5355A frequency counter   999 DD7 .
5356B 26.5 GHz frequency converter head 699 1
5356C opt 001 40 GHz frequency converter head (for 5345A counter) 949 1
536A Coax freq. meter..(BYT+) 375 1+
5361B 20 GHzPulse/CW  frequency counter  HPIB -image- 2999
54114A 2 gigasample/s test set with 9 sma cables kit in box 250 HPVMd7
58503A opt AWQ Time and Frequency reference receiver (24 volt) -image- 2850 1.
58503B Time and Frequency reference receiver -image- -manual- 3400 1.
- more power supplies here more power supplies here . . .
7470A refurb 2-pen GPIB Plotter  now in stock! 300 1
8011A PULSE generator call . .
8350B sweeper mainframe -imageSPECIAL  899 2+


WR19 Millimeter Wave Source 40-60 GHz (sweeper and plug-in extra) 12,000

83570A 18 - 26.5 GHz sweeper plug-in 1999 1
83572C 26.5 - 40  GHz sweeper plug-in SOLD . .
83590A opt 002 2-20 GHz sweeper plug-in 3249 1
83592A .01-20 GHz sweeper plug-in  2594 1
83592A opt 002 .01-20 GHz sweeper plug-in 2994 1
83592B  .01-20 GHz sweeper plug-in 3999 call for avail. .
83592B opt 002 .01-20 GHz sweeper plug-in-image- 3999 . .
83592C .01-20 GHz sweeper plug-in high power 3999 . .
83594A  2-26.5 GHz sweeper plug-in 4499 . .
8405A ? comb generator 250 2 in stock .
8447A .1 - 400 MHz amplifier 290 AA2R 1102
8447B .4 - 1300 MHz amplifier 390 AA2R
8447C 30 -300 MHz amplifier 390 AA2R
8447E .1 - 1300 MHz dual amplifier 500 AA2R (4) 1102
8470A  crystal detector apc-7  250 . .
8472 series detectors detectors have moved here call . .
8477A power meter calibrator 549 aa3 .
848x series sensors detectors and power sensors have moved here . . .
85023A APC-7 verification kit box   450 .
853A  mainframe 999 SOLD .
85331-60061  85332A-ATO-11152 switch control unit call car86 .
85383B  cable -  control unit call car86 .
85384 opt. 001  1 meter cable -  switch call car86 .
8591E 004, 010, 130, 140   spectrum analyzer call bench .
8733A pin modulator 3.7-8.3 GHz 200 2ea HPVMd6
87300C coupler -10dB 1-26.5GHz 1000 2ea availabble
87301D opt 052 coupler -13dB 1-40GHz 1350 4ea available
8757A scalar network analyzer  sold sold sold
8757C scalar network analyzer -image- 1250 SOLD  SOLD 
8757E scalar network analyzer  call 130 in stock  call
876* series switches RF Switches have moved -here- call . .
8900D peak power meter  750 2 .
8970B opt H18 8970B 18 GHz noise figure meter 2850  available now! .
8970S 8970B & 8971C 002 noise figure test system -image- 12,000   .
905A APC-7 coaxial sliding load no accessories in wood box 275 AB1
909A type N (f) coaxial termination 100 CAR49
911C 3.5 mm sliding load kit in box image -picture- 475 2 ea. .
E1330A Quad 8-bit digital i/o 200 HPVM1d7
E1364-66201 form C switch 4X4 matrix 495 27K11-F (3 avail.)
E1366A w/1403B HP 75000 dual 1X4 rf switch DC-1300 MHz VXI -- used with E1403B adapter 499 1 ea. HPVMd8
E1401B 75000  series C High power VXI mainframe 750  IN STOCK CTN3 VXI
E1402A VXI Extender Card 699 hpvm1d4 .
E1403A A/B-SIZE adapter 250 VXI-5 .
E1403A A/B-SIZE adapter 250 HPVM1d8
E1403C A/B-SIZE adapter 250 hpvm1d4
E1403C A/B-SIZE adapter 250 hpvm1d7
E1405B Command Module 449 hpvm1d4
E1406A E1406-69202 Command Module 249 hpvm1d9 LB02
E1411B 5.5 digit Multimeter VXI module -image- image- 349

vmPODd3, HPVM1-D6 (2)

E1416A HP75000 series power meter 750

bench (call for availability)

E1426A 500 MHz digitizing oscilloscope module call

vmPODd3, (1)

E1428A HP75000 series C VXI Digitizing Oscilloscope 1GSa/s 250 MHz  4949 hpvm1d4 .
E1430A HP75000 series C VXI  1949 hpvmtop .
E1445A E1445-69201 arbitrary function generator -data- 2249 hpvm1d4 .
E1446A Summing amplifier / DAC  1749 VMPODd3 
E1460-66201 E1460-66201 64 channel VXI relay module  949 VMPODd3 (3)
E1460-66502 board only, no cover call VXI-5 .
E1474A  six 1X4 75 ohm RF Multiplexer  849 hpvm1d2 .
E1475A  six 1X4 75 ohm RF Multiplexer expander VXI 550  VXI-5 .
E1476A 64 channel  3-wire multiplexer volts/ohms/temp  1490


E1482B VX1-MX1 HP75000 interface module 649 hpvm1d4 .
E1498A E1497A/E1498A VXI Embedded Controller Module V743 C-Size, Single Slot RISC 7100LC Processor.100MHz. 1500 hpvm1d9   click to enlarge
E3249B opt 012  system disk and dat module (no HD) 2499 hpvm1d9 .
E4480A Cerjac 156 MTS sonet maintenance test set PARTS UNIT .SOLD .
K03 103AR 100 KHz distribution amplifiers call ctn .
K34-59991A phase comparator 850 AA3
HP waveguide components click -here- for waveguide . . .



Last modified: see above


Address: PO BOX 101, El Segundo CA 90245-0101   
  Telephone: 310-640-7262       
CAGE code 4K3T8
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com        
    Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com