

 HP small PARTS


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Last modified:
JAN 31 2025
ApTeC Electronics 
PO BOX 101,
El Segundo CA  
90245-0101 USA   
 We are closed most Fridays   
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com         Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com

CAGE code 4K3T8   


Review Shopping Cart


mostly obsolete Hewlett-Packard / Agilent "in stock" parts. Most are in the original packages and almost all are NOS (new old stock) Minimum TOTAL order is $100 so make a list of what you need, and email to stu@aptecelectronics.com, (or call and leave a clear message) and we will respond with prices soon.

We now accept paypal.com  NOTE:  

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 [HP test equipment -here-]    AND MORE HP PARTS ARE HERE

More small parts are listed HERE

Inventory Price List price   loc
HEWLETT-PACKARD Item Description       US $ . .
00180-60801 transformer assy. 100 CAR84
00214-66003 pulse transformer NOS. 100 CAR84
00281-20050 center cond. P281C-013 call (1) CAR50 .
00423-802 NEG DIODE ASSY call (1) CAR56 .
00424-810 NEG DIODE ASSY call (3+) CAR51 .
00423-800 NEG DIODE ASSY call (3+) CAR51 .
0400-0050 reed relay call (1) CAR64 .
04192-85001 thru 04192-85114 chip set 200 (1) CAR69
04304-7043 cap. bd. 4328A 100 CAR84
0490-0486 switch call (1) CAR115 .
0490-0486 reed relay call (3) CAR115 .
0490-0663  relay call CAR115 .
0490-0782 reed relay call (2) CAR50 .
0490-0963  relay call CAR112 .
0490-1141 relay 100 (3)CAR84
0490-1341 relay 100 (1)CAR1154
05300-80012 rom, prog call (1) CAR51 .
08410-8003 trans pair call (2) CAR65 .
08445-60007 cable, scope-preselector 100 CAR84
08471-2002 sleeve, threaded call (8) CAR65 .
08481-60024 connector 100 (1) CAR65 .
08491-6003 6 dB cartridge 100 (3) CAR65 .
08640-60024 small I board 100 (1)CAR80
08640-60037 small I board 100 (2)CAR80
08660-60361 generic ribbon cable (from 11672A kit) 50 (5)CAR76
08660-60348 extender board 150 CAR76
0955-0148 narda 26309 1.7-20 GHz coupler -16 dB 200 (1) CAR76
00960-2545 rpg for E3631A 20 car113 .
10004-69502 cable assy call (1) CAR50 .
1005-69502 attenuator assy call (2) CAR50 .
1250-0816 Machined part Connector Contact Assembly for APC-7 Connector 75 (25) CAR112
1251-5759 conn call (1) CAR50 .
1561-0804 trans call (2) CAR50 .
1801-23201 coupler call (10) CAR70 .
1813-00441 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1813-0060 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1813-0118 2D103 converter call (1) CAR52 .
1816-0424 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1816-1372 IC rom call CAR112 .
1816-1373 IC call (2) CAR64 .
1820-0055 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0058 IC call (1) CAR52 .
1820-0055 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0102 IC call (5) CAR50 .
1820-0116 IC call (5) CAR50 .
1820-0117 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0119 IC call (5) CAR50 (2)CAR52 .
1820-0145 IC MC10107? call (3) CAR50 .
1820-0158 IC call (5) CAR50 .
1820-0174 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1820-0195 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0196 IC call (8) CAR50 .
1820-0217 IC call (2) CAR52 .
1820-0380 IC  call (5) CAR62 .
1820-0557 IC Au call (2) CAR62 (1)CAR64 .
1820-0566 IC Au call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0616 ic call (3) CAR62 .
1820-0630 ic call (2) CAR61 .
1820-0629 IC call (2) CAR52 .
1820-0632 IC Au call (7) CAR62 .
1820-0633 IC Au call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0633 IC Au call (1) CAR52 .
1820-0634 IC call (3 CAR50 .
1820-0640 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1820-0655 IC call (1) CAR62 .
1820-0655 IC call (1) CAR51 .
1820-0655 IC 14 pindip call (5) CAR50 .
1820-0658 IC call (1) CAR51 .
1820-0658 IC call (1) CAR51 .
1820-0669 IC call (2) CAR51 .
1820-0691 IC 14 pindip call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0706 IC  call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0720 IC  call (3) CAR50 .
1820-0751 IC call (3) CAR50 .
1820-0753 IC Au 14 pin call (8) CAR50 .
1820-0757 IC 20 pin dip call (5) CAR50 .
1820-0904 IC call (1) CAR52 .
1820-0904 IC call (2) CAR52 .
1820-0938 IC mos call (3) CAR52 .
1820-0939 IC14 pin dip call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0949 IC14 pin dip call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0950 IC call (7) CAR50 .
1820-0976 IC call (1) CAR52 .
1820-0982 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0996 IC16 Au pin dip call (6) CAR62 .
1820-1001 IC 8  pin dip call (1) CAR64 .
1820-1052 IC16  pin dip call (2) CAR62 .
1820-1204 74LS20P  IC call (2) CAR52 .
1820-1231  IC call (1) CAR52 .
1820-1565 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-1568 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-1759 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-1790 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-1794 IC call (1) CAR52 .
1820-1807 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1820-1858 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1820-1869 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0216 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1820-0218 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1820-0557 IC Au call (1) CAR62 .
1820-2302 IC  100 (2) CAR107 .
1820-2718 IC  call (2) CAR84 .
1821-0001 IC array transistor call (1) CAR52 .
1826-0013 IC call (7) CAR50 .
1826-0017 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1826-0021 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0026 IC call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0035 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1826-0039 IC call (7) CAR50 .
1826-0058 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1826-0059 IC call (4) CAR50 .
1826-0088 IC, Au call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0100 IC, call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0102 IC, call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0139 IC, call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0151 IC, Au call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0167 IC,  call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0181 IC,  call (1) CAR50 .
1826-0188 IC,  call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0207 IC call (1) CAR50 .
1826-0215 transistor, Au call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0219 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0226 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0243 IC call (5) CAR50 .
1826-0261 IC call (3) CAR50 .
1826-0275 IC call (2) CAR50 .
1826-0955 IC call (1) CAR64 .
185-0011 transistor 2n123 call (1) CAR52 .
1850-0062 transistor  call (1) CAR62 .
1850-0105 transistor  call (1) CAR52 .
1853-0007 transistor call (5) CAR56 .
1853-0016 transistor call (9) CAR59 .
1853-0063 transistor call (5) CAR56 .
1853-0099 transistor call (2) CAR56 .
1853-0218 transistor call (2) CAR56 .
1853-0232 transistor call (2) CAR50 .
1853-0252 transistor call (4) CAR50 (1)CAR52 .
1853-0336 transistor call (1) CAR62 .
1853-0354 transistor call (2) CAR50 .
1853-0099 transistor call (1) CAR52 .
1853-0365 transistor call (2) CAR64 .
1853-0380 transistor call (4) CAR50 .
1854-0009 transistor 2N70 call (1) CAR52 (1)CAR62 .
1854-0022 transistor call (5) CAR61 .
1854-0024 ST4306 Au transistor call (1) CAR52 .
1854-0057 transistor call (5) CAR61 .
1854-0073 2N34 transistor call (9) CAR50 .
1854-0079 2N34 transistor call (5) CAR50 .
1854-0080 transistor call (1) CAR50 .
1854-0092 transistor call (3) CAR56 .
1854-0218 transistor call (5) CAR56 .
1854-0234 transistor call (2) CAR56 .
1854-0291 transistor call (2) CAR52 .
1854-0320 transistor call (1) CAR62 .
1854-0358 transistor call (10 CAR61 .
1854-0358 transistor call (8)CAR62 .
1854-0361 transistor 2N42 call (1)CAR64 .
1854-0370 transistor call (4) CAR61 .
1854-0420 transistor call (2) CAR59 .
1854-0404 IC call (3) CAR62 .
1854-0404 transistor call (2) CAR56 .
1854-0419 transistor call (2) CAR62 .
1854-0433 transistor call (4) CAR61 .
1854-0433 transistor call (2) CAR61 .
1854-0434 transistor call (1) CAR64 .
1854-0448 transistor call (3) CAR62 .
1854-0464 transistor call (2) CAR56 .
1854-0475 transistor call (3) CAR64 .
1854-0581 transistor call (6) CAR62 .
1854-0610 transistor call (5) CAR64 .
1854-0696 transistor call (1) CAR62 .
1854-0772 IR transistor NOS 50 (2) CAR84 .
1855-0298 fet call (2) CAR52 .
1855-0300 fet call (2) CAR62 .
1884-0012 thyrister call (1) CAR56 .
1900-0017 diode 1N21B call (1) CAR51 .
1901-0029 silicon diode special call (1) CAR52 .
1901-0040 diode  call (4) CAR61 .
1901-0638 diode bridge call (1) CAR61 .
1902-0028 diode  call (8) CAR62 .
1902-0034 diode special avalanche call (1) CAR52\1 .
1902-0044 diode PAIR call (2) CAR62 .
1902-0522 diode  call (5) CAR115 .
1902-0552 diode  call (2) CAR115 .
1902-0761 diode 6.2V call (5) CAR115 .
1902-3059 diode call (6+) CAR115 .
1902-3070 diode call (10+) CAR115 .
1902-3191 diode call (3) CAR115 .
1902-3223 diode 17.4v call (1) CAR51 .
1912-0007 diode  call (1) CAR115 .
1912-0009 diode  call (6) CAR62 .
1912-0016 diode  call (3) CAR62 .
1921-0037 nuvistor tube 100 (1) TR70
1923-0089 5960007239815 conduction cooled cermet beam tetrode on elevener base 8072/4657 250 (3) CAR84
1940-0027 Z82R10 NEON CALL (4)CAR115
1960-0002 6299-USA-78-13 77-46 GE planar triode NOS 200 (3) CAR62
1970-0009 nixie NOS call (1) CAR115 .
1970-0028 nixie call (1) CAR115 .
1970-0084 diode  call (3) CAR115 .
1990-0311 5 digit 7 seg. disp. 100 (2) CAR76
1990-0463 disp. 100 (3) CAR115
1990-0607 5 digit 7 seg. disp. 100 (10) CAR115
1990-0608 SMALL  disp. 100 (5) CAR115
1990-0322 raysistor w/ socket 100 (2) CAR70
1990-0408 DISPLAY Au nos 100 (1) CAR62
1990-0556 DISPLAY  used 100 (8) CAR90
1GM1401 RFchip 100 CAR77 .
1NB7-8452 chip 100 car69 .
2100-3081 50 k pot call (4) CAR64 .
3101-1248 switch spdt 100 (2) CAR114
3102-0006 switch spdt call (8) CAR59 .
33711A Limiter sma m,f  Au NOS (5+ avail) 100 CAR89
H23-33801A mixer/detector pos bias  2-12 GHz sma  m,f  Au NOS (5+ avail)  150 CAR89, car115
H23-33802A mixer/detector neg. bias  2-12 GHz sma  m,f  Au NOS (5+ avail)  150 CAR89 car115
35677-66501 sma board 100 (2) CAR68 .
425A-23B demod. assy. for 425A 100 CAR84
4-295-452 thermaloy pair call (2+) CAR65 .
4N55 HP IC optocoupler dc. 8329 (min. order=2) NEW 50 CAR94 (50 in stk.)
5060-0256 extender board 100 CAR76
5060-0276 extender board 100 CAR76
5060-0277 extender board 100 (2)CAR76
5060-3696 MOTOR call (1) CAR64 .
5063-2340 capacitor assy NOS 100 CAR84
5061-0752 DUAL SENSOR call (1) CAR64 .
5080-0442 diodes, call (8) CAR62 .
5080-0449 dual transistor call (2) CAR115 .
5080-7308 transistor call (1) CAR52 .
5080-7706 WIPER ASSY call (1) CAR59 (1)CAR64 -
5080-9037 detector cartridge call (1) CAR51 .
5080-9061 1853-0012 long 2N2409A call (4) CAR51 .
5081-3027 IC W/ HEATSINK Au 100 (1) CAR95 .
5081-3030 IC W/HOLDER call (1) CAR62 .
5082-0437 7 SEG. DISPLAY call (9) CAR62 .
5082-2271 RF TRANS. call (3) CAR61 .
5082-3001 pin diode call (3) CAR57 .
5082-4351 ISOL call (3) CAR64 .
5082-4310 photon isol. call (2) CAR84 .
5082-5004 DETECTOR call (2) CAR64 .
5086-7061 IC 100 (1) CAR80
5086-7215 modulator 100 (1) CAR76
5086-7217 A-1402-45 amp. module 300 (1) CAR80
5086-7220 directional detector 100 (1) CAR80
5086-7234 1-1300 MHz oscillator 100 (1) CAR107
5086-7235 1-1300 MHz amp/det. 100 (1) CAR107
5086-7238 DC RETURN 100 (1) CAR80
5088-3291 limiter housing only 5086-087 call (1) CAR75 .
5088-7002 microcircuit call (1) CAR51 .
5182-5559 cable 100 (1) CAR84
G-29A G172B breakdown diode call (5) CAR112 .
G281A-2 probe assy call (3) CAR65 .
HP1NB7-8284 IC W/ SMA & heatsink assy (from E2903A) call (8) CAR78 .
X281A-2 probe assy call (1) CAR65 .
00105-6012 crystal oven assy. series 1144A 250 CAR6 CAR7


Last modified: see above


Address: PO BOX 101, El Segundo CA 90245-0101   
  Telephone: 310-640-7262       
CAGE code 4K3T8
Electronic mail : General Information: stu@aptecelectronics.com        
    Webmaster: stu@aptecelectronics.com